Tobys Lynx (Toby)

Kaboom Eventing Supporters

Kaboom Eventing Supporters
Thank you all!

Swank Dezign

Swank Dezign
Kaboom Eventing's 1st home bred!

Swain Song (Swainy)

Swain Song (Swainy)
Swain is currently in foal to Tzigane *Pb* due: April 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Swank Dezign born 5/1/12 at 11:30pm 
by Tzigane *Pb* out of Swain Song xx PSB

Swain Song xx PSB and Swank Dezign

Tzigane *Pb* passes down his amazing ability to "sit". Swanky Pants demonstrates her collected canter for us. 

"watcha doin down there mom?"

"bah bye!"

"can't catch me! I'm super fast and when I put my yoda ears back I'm aerodynamic and can run even faster!"


Kaboom Eventing 2011 Wrap Up

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First I would like to thank Kaboom Eventing Sponsors

Horsetech Nutrition
Legacy Tack
Equinity Performance

I’m pleased to report that 2011 was a fantastic year for Kaboom Eventing! There have been a great many changes as of late and I’d like to take the time to catch everyone up.

I would like to thank Rod, Audrey, and Royce for sporting my horses. We (horses and rider) are definitely better athletes due to the inclusion of your products in the Kaboom program.

Kaboom Eventing was organized for and around my great 2001 thoroughbred, Kaboom. Sadly, Kaboom injured himself in a pasture accident a few years ago. Though my Eventing aspirations have been put on hold, the loss of Kaboom as an UL eventer was not a complete waste… During Kaboom’s time off, I trained a lovely 4 year old trakehner gelding named Harry Houdini (by Tzigane *Pb*). Harry Houdini stayed with me for one year during which I trained him from green broke to “Preliminary Ready” and in the late spring of 2010 (after finishing a few training level HTs) he was passed on to UL rider [Sara Mittleider] to start his FEI eventing career. Harry and Sara have enjoyed great success and will be traveling to Germany for a year of intense training this summer!

Harry at his first recognized HT @ Texas Rose Horse Park with Me.
[Nov 2009]

Harry at his first CCI* @ Galway Downs with Sara Mittleider aboard!
[Nov 2011]

During the time that I trained and showed Harry I was also following a strict rehab schedule with Kaboom. Thankfully due to my diligent work ethic and helpful education (B.S. in Biomechanics) Kaboom was back in prime form by the spring of 2010 and he proved his soundness by finishing two Training Level Horse Trials and a full summer of hunter/jumper shows before the start of 2011.
Kaboom and I were the captains of our team “The Fantastic Four”. Winners of the 2010 Chronicle of the Horse Adult Team Championships for Mid States.

Chronicle of the Horse Adult Team Championship at the Training Level. [Sept 2010]

Kaboom in the 14 & Under with his new owner.

Kaboom in the High Pre Greens with Courtney.

The fun starts here:

Kaboom and Harry are both greatly missed and I do struggle emotionally without a sport horse. They were great horses and I would love to always have horses of the same mind and caliber in my barn.
The sale of Kaboom allowed me to purchase Swain Song in the hopes of breeding my own Harry Houdini type of mount! Swainy is a 2001 TB broodmare who I bought from Kaboom’s breeder [Buddy Stidham] in April 2011 and she is now in foal to Harry Houdini’s sire, Tzigane *Pb*. Swain has been accepted into the American Trakehner Preliminary Stud Book which will allow the resulting foal to be branded and registered full trakehner. Swain is due in late April 2012.

Swain Song XX PSB Tzigane *Pb*

Kaboom always showed great talent as a hunter so in January 2011 I started to cross train for hunter derbies with Courtney Calcagnini of Aubrey, TX. But in February instead of continuing his training myself, I sold him to a student of Courtney’s and he proved his worth in the show hunter ring by earning Circuit Champion at Gulf Port in March.

Upon the weaning of this foal, I plan to give Swainy a year off from breeding and break her to be my own dressage horse.
In the mean time I have been riding my mother’s trail horse, Toby. We have had Toby on the farm for 7 years and for 6 of those years he has been a fat lazy paint horse. This past year Toby’s true potential was unveiled! Toby tops the leader board after dressage and usually jumps clean. We are very impressed with his achievements in eventing and schooling jumpers! Toby finished up his show year by earning 2011 NTEA Category II Points Grand Champion for Senior Riders!!
I also had a small side project to train named A Gucci Investment. “Abby” was bred for western pleasure but her owner allowed me to event her for a year. Abby finished the year in 3rd for NTEA Category II Points.

Tobys Lynx @ Greenwood Farm Fall HT and Curragh Fall Schooling HT.

My 2012:

I will continue to catch ride/train/and coach a bit on the side upon special request but right now I’d like to focus on breeding sport horses. My heart lies on the back of youngsters and hopefully with the help of Swain Song I can start a nice prodigy program and produce good quality multi-discipline horses for my own benefit and later to sell.
I will continue to serve on the board of the USEA Area V Adult Riders and utilize my sponsors to the best of my abilities.


I’m also proud to add that at the Area V Banquet (Jan 7th 2012) I was awarded the 2011 LL Betsey Cash Award which is presented to an outstanding person in Area V with nominations from Area V Adult Riders for significant contributions to eventing in Area V – “Could Not Have Done It Without You” based on the ongoing spirit of Maggie Kitt’s late partner LL Betsey Cash.


I’ll show Toby at the local hunter/jumper shows and horse trials and concentrate on raising a healthy 1st foal. Swainy is my next riding project and I hope she will have a little bit of sport in her soul.
Abby moves to CO in March but will compete in a spring jumper circuit and a few horse trials before leaving my barn.

Toby/Mom and Abby/Me after a hard day of eventing!
[Oct 2011]

Website updates are in progress January 2012. Cheers to 2012!